This sub-forum is for best practice and user security discussion only, this area is not for nor can offer official security support for advisories and critical updates which can happen rapidly online. For those scenarios official project resources should be strongly considered, please see Debian Security Information and Security Updates.
- Read and use information presented in this sub-forum at your own risk.
- Postings in this area should focus on user to user support, sharing of methods of administration, and questions about best use of and practice.
- If you discover a vulnerability please use the Debian Bug Tracking System (BTS) to file a Bug report.
- Please understand that a bug that you have filed will be supported within the BTS by Debian Developers and other affected users, discussion of a filed bug will happen inside of the bug report and not here on the forums. Please feel free to link to the forums in bug filing reports or vice versa.
- When discussing or posting any security concerns it is advisable to post a link to the issue itself. Please provide links to the bug/cve from the Debian Bug Tracking System or other known CVE tracking system in order to keep everyone in the thread on the same page.
- Sharing information about a practice or use case works best with clear examples, see our How-To and Document forums for formatting ideas for your posts which will share information.
Statistics: Posted by donald — 2024-06-13 17:19 — Replies 0 — Views 36