because (despite password being entered correct) the
root account fails "authentication". But su and sudo both
work fine and root used to let me log in, initially.
I think maybe it's from this unrecognized account
directory in /home that I deleted. Forget the name it
got assigned. It wasn't "root" and it wasn't any of mine.
My question is, is there a way short of redoing the
whole install, to get root set up as a user that these
tools' "whatever" and the login, will let in with the
assigned password?
Like delete and then adduser, or something? But
see vague warnings about busting sudo and maybe
that's a brick, and back to a 12 hour install and all
the applications I've installed get tore up too.
Statistics: Posted by dick_freebird — 2024-07-06 03:00 — Replies 0 — Views 22