Yesterday, I've added Debian from a current Live-System to a Lenovo Yoga Laptop. By default, GRUB now starts Debian - I need to set the pre-installed Windows as default, instead.
I have modified /etc/default/grub according to the Debian-Wiki. Trying to apply the changes (as root) using update-grub fails with the error-messageWhat's wrong?
Update: problem solved in German forum:
I have modified /etc/default/grub according to the Debian-Wiki. Trying to apply the changes (as root) using update-grub fails with the error-message
bash: update-grub: command not found
Update: problem solved in German forum:
useto become root.Code:
su -
The minus sign makes the difference.
Statistics: Posted by FrankBusse — 2024-07-10 09:20 — Replies 0 — Views 11