Laptop is Lenovo slim 7 14IMH9. The mic mute button (F4) does nothing. xev reports that it's giving out keycode 248. When I map that to XF86AudioMicMute with xmodmap it works but pressing "Fn space" to change the keyboard backlight brightness also toggles the mic. It looks like it's because it's also giving out keycode 248. Is this a hardware bug? The LED on the mic mute button doesn't light and I can't find it in /sys. The LEDs in /sys/class/leds are: input0::capslock input0::numlock input0::scrolllock phy0-led platform::fnlock platform::kbd_backlight
phy0-led is not it.
Strange thing is, the mic works on Linux but I can't get it to work on windows.
Correction, the mic does work on windows. If I mute the mic on windows, so the mute led is on, then boot into Linux, the mute led will be on although the mic is not muted.
phy0-led is not it.
Strange thing is, the mic works on Linux but I can't get it to work on windows.
Correction, the mic does work on windows. If I mute the mic on windows, so the mute led is on, then boot into Linux, the mute led will be on although the mic is not muted.
Statistics: Posted by DeBonzo — 2024-10-22 17:38 — Replies 0 — Views 40