Anyone working on voice control of Debian? Not voice to text or text to voice, but voice commands to perform actions such as click the mouse, move the cursor, etc.
So far, my searches have turned up little on this, and that has been mostly a few or many years old. Projects appear to be started and then dropped.
I am asking about this for a friend who is now a paraplegic. When he used a keyboard, his main OS was Debian. For the few years, he has been using Windows, but that is sub-optimal. He would very much like to return to Debian as his main OS.
So far, my searches have turned up little on this, and that has been mostly a few or many years old. Projects appear to be started and then dropped.
I am asking about this for a friend who is now a paraplegic. When he used a keyboard, his main OS was Debian. For the few years, he has been using Windows, but that is sub-optimal. He would very much like to return to Debian as his main OS.
Statistics: Posted by Burnaby_Wayne — 2024-12-20 00:25 — Replies 3 — Views 88