The world is at war, the year is 2067, a polite organization with cartoon code names is the target of a vast all encompassing daily assault by secret organizations via the internet. The mission? Target Debian, disrupt it's operations, stall it's thinking, anticipate it's every move, develop the applications that it will adopt, insert the packages where they do not belong. Work together, isolate the antagonist, succeed at all costs.
Will Debian wake up? To the new reality. Malicious organizations are seeking to exploit the internet, computer technology, and human beings, each and every day. What's that? An update!? Click now, and forever hold your peace. The enemy is silent, don't make a move. Don't disturb the unwavering background, and that determines the assessment, the system is secure, but it's not your system!
Tell only lies, click this link! Try out this program! Just use the system. Don't ask questions. Maintain the insecurity.
Statistics: Posted by Linuxgaming1824 — 2024-04-17 16:46 — Replies 1 — Views 78